The most common passwords!
Get the full story at 32 Million passwords were analyzed at...
Ignite Your Passion
The most common passwords!
ASH simulation Scripts (SASH and SASHMON)
BAARF – Battle against any raid 5
IO operations per second
Oracle Waits – latch : cache buffer chains
Data Visualization
Oracle Wait: Buffer Busy Wait
Improved Oracle searches on Google
Machine, application or database ?! Where’s the bottleneck?
A Sampling We Will Go
KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
Visually Identifying SQL Optimizer Weaknesses
Outer Joins Graphically
Visual SQL Tuning
Browser Size, Web Tools and the Fold line
Oracle Wait Events: os-thread-startup
Changing performance strategies for modern operations
Taming the Performance Beast
DB Optimizer 2.0 in the News!