In my last blog I talked about trying out Jenkins. In this blog post I want to talk about the new Jenkins plugin for Delphix.
Delphix plugin
Delphix plugin is easy to add. Just navigate to “Manage Jenkins” in the top left

Then click on “Manage Plugins”

Then type in “delphix” in the search bar and then click on the “Delphix Jenkins plugin” to install

Now we can access Delphix APIs through the Jenkins interface. If I access a job (pick a job then click “configure” on the top left, or create a new job) and click “add build step” under build, you will now see Delphix command options:

Here is a zoom in to the new “Add build step” options:
Before we can use these build steps, we have to add the Delphix engine(s) to Jenkins.
To add Delphix engine(s) click on “Manage Jenkins” on the top left

Then you should see a long page. In the middle of this page you should see a “Delphix” section

Add the Delphix engine(s) and hit “save” at the bottom of the screen
Now when I add a build step I can choose a Delphix action like “add environment”
and now I can click “run now” and it adds the environment