OEM just seems to have too many brittle esoteric configuration files and process dependencies. Ideally I just want to connect with system/password and go. Is that too simple to ask for?
Today I tried out OEM and got the general broken page:
And my first reaction was just to give up and move on, but then I noticed the error message sounded some what simple:
ORA-28001: the password has expired (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)
Hmm, maybe this *is* easily fixable. Well guess again. Luckily someone has well documented the fix
After the “fix” EM still wouldn’t work because DBSNMP’s password had expired as well, but at least it gave a password screen to change the password. So to simply launch OEM to get to the performance page after my system password had expired I had to change the passwords for not one but 3 users: SYSTEM, SYSMAN and DBSMP which is crazy enough, but the worst part is that SYSMAN’s password is hardcoded, though encrypted,in a flat file that has to found (good luck) and edited.
PS, to turn off password expiration which is on by default in 11 but was off by default in 10:
alter profile default limit password_life_time unlimited;