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Writer's picturekyle Hailey

Where to add Index on Postgres


Goal in this post is to layout a methodology that can be implemented to scan the explain plans and identify opportunities to optimize the sql execution with additional indexes.

The missing index opportunities outlined here are

  1. Indexes that would avoid full table scan with a predicate filter that filters out most of the returned rows

  2. Joins that are missing index on the join field

  3. Index range scans that could be made more efficient by addition of a field to existing index

Also for future consideration, but not yet outline here

  1. Recommending covering index where the addition of fields to an index avoids table access all together

  2. Indexes that support the order by clause

Basic procedure is to take the output from “explain” command. In the explain output only look at nodes that are at least say 10-30% or more of total cost of the whole query. Look for full table scans , these are nodes with the following entry : “Node Type”: “Seq Scan” If it’s in the second node of a nested loop, suggest an index on the join field If it’s is the most expensive node of a Hash join suggest an index on the join field If it’s the most expense node of Merge Join suggest an index on the join field. If is followed by a filter, suggest an index on the filter and join column.

If if the filter is not the most expensive node in a HJ or it’s the first node in a NL, and that node is expensive and the filter is expected to return X% ( for example 10% ) or less of the table after applying the filter, then suggest an index on that filter column. Additionally Index range scans that could be improved by adding fields to the index will require using “explain analyze”. With explain analyze we can see how many rows were filtered out after the index access.

Get plan with “Explain” and text from SQL statement

EXPLAIN (COSTS true, FORMAT json, verbose true)
select id from hypg1 where id = 2006;
                QUERY PLAN                 
 [                                        +
   {                                      +
     "Plan": {                            +
       "Node Type": "Gather",             +
       "Parallel Aware": false,           +
       "Startup Cost": 1000.00,           +
       "Total Cost": 10633.43,            +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                    +
       "Plan Width": 4,                   +
       "Output": ["id"],                  +
       "Workers Planned": 2,              +
       "Single Copy": false,              +
       "Plans": [                         +
         {                                +
           "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
           "Parallel Aware": true,        +
           "Relation Name": "hypg1",      +
           "Schema": "public",            +
           "Alias": "hypg1",              +
           "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
           "Total Cost": 9633.33,         +
           "Plan Rows": 1,                +
           "Plan Width": 4,               +
           "Output": ["id"],              +
           "Filter": "( = 2006)"  +
         }                                +
       ]                                  +
     }                                    +
   }                                      +

Cost in Explain Plan

In all cases we should sort nodes by cost and only look at nodes that take up a certain percentage or more of the cost. Each node has a “cost”. We need to extract the “total cost” at each node in the plan and compare that to the “total cost” of the whole query (top node) and calculate % of the “total cost” at a node compared whole query and only look at nodes that represent some value say 10% or more of total cost. Costs include the sum of all indented nodes, so to get the per node time or cost we have subtract out the child nodes.

If we can run “explain analyze” we can get the actual time per node. The command “explain analyze” actually runs the query . I would say we should plan on “explain analyze” with certain constraints. If the query is already being run multiple times a minute, then running it once more for tuning information is probably worth it. Time is just like cost where time includes times of child nodes, so we have subtract out the child nodes to see the time elapsed at every node.

Here is an example of the costs at nodes and showing the child nodes are subcomponents of the parent nodes cost

[                                                               +
   {                                                             +
     "Plan": {                                                   +
       "Total Cost": 22308.54,                                   +
       "Plans": [                                                +
         {                                                       +
           "Total Cost": 11675.10,                               +
             {                                                   +
               "Total Cost": 10675.00,                           +
             }                                                   +
         },                                                      +
         {                                                       +
           "Total Cost": 10633.43,                               +
             {                                                   +
               "Total Cost": 9633.33,                            +
             }                                                   +
           ]                                                     +
         }                                                       +
       ]                                                         +
     }                                                           +
   }                                                             +

for example, subtracting out the child node costs to get the per node costs

[                                                               +
   {                                                             +
     "Plan": {                                                   +
       "Total Cost": 22308.54,  --  node cost 22308.54 - (11675.10+10633.43) = 0.01
       "Plans": [                                                +
         {                                                       +
           "Total Cost": 11675.10, --  node cost 11675.10 - 10675.00 = 1000.1
             {                                                   +
               "Total Cost": 10675.00,                           +
             }                                                   +
         },                                                      +
         {                                                       +
           "Total Cost": 10633.43, --  node cost   10633.43 - 9633.33 = 1000.1
             {                                                   +
               "Total Cost": 9633.33,                            +
             }                                                   +
           ]                                                     +
         }                                                       +
       ]                                                         +
     }                                                           +
   }                                                             +

Predicate filters missing indexes

For predicate filters that can use indexes scan the explain plan for the following string

           "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +

and see if they are followed by a “Filter”.

           "Total Cost": 9633.33,         +
           "Plan Rows": 1,                +
           "Filter": "( = 2006)"  +

Verify that the node is a significant cost of overall cost of query. This node takes up most to the cost of the plan 9633.33 out of 10633.43 so it is the most important node to optimize. We should only look at nodes that take up a certain percentage of total cost, say 10% or more. ( value should be configurable in our code, as it is debatable where the cut off point is)

We can compare rows returned (“Plan Rows”) to total rows in the table statistics If the filter eliminates a large amount of rows, then it is a candidate. The following query had to be run in the database that the table is in, thus have to collect database as part of the sampling of the load data.

SELECT reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'hypg1';


% filtered = 100 * ( 1e+06 – 1 ) / 1e+06 = 99.99% rows are filtered out, so it’s the perfect candidate.

We should only recommend index the filter returns 10% or less of the table (i.e. 90% of rows returned from full table scanned are filtered out) and in the advisor recommendation for the index we should indicate much of the table is returned via the filter. We can give some recommendations based on the % for example low recommendation 5%-10% of table returned after apply filter medium recommendation 1%-5% of table returned after apply filter high recommendation < 1% of table returned after apply filter

The filter column is thus we suggest an index on

Joins missing indexes

Using the following query in the examples below

explain (FORMAT json)
select max (
from t1, t2
where =
and t1.clus = 10
and t2.val > 1001


Look for nodes of type “Hash Cond”: ” that are followed by a “Seq Scan” If we find a “Seq Scan” is preceded by a Hash JOIN and cost is a significant amount of total query, then suggest an index on the join column If both nodes of the hash join have Seq Scans , suggest the index join column from the more expensive node. If that node also contains a filter, suggest including the filter in the index.

There is “Node Type”: “Seq Scan” table “Relation Name”: “t2″, cost “Total Cost”: 13512.67″ looking the hash join above the Seq Scan node, the join condition is

"Hash Cond": "( =",  

suggest index on

              "Plans": [                                                 +
                 {                                                        +
                 "Node Type": "Hash Join",                    +
                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                        +
                   "Parallel Aware": false,                               +
                   "Join Type": "Inner",                                  +
                   "Startup Cost": 11.40,                                 +
                   "Total Cost": 15086.97,                                +
                   "Plan Rows": 41,                                       +
                   "Plan Width": 33,                                      +
                   "Output": [""],                                 +
                   "Inner Unique": false,                                 +
                   "Hash Cond": "( =",                        +
                   "Plans": [                                             +
                     {                                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Seq Scan",                       +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                    +
                       "Parallel Aware": true,                            +
                       "Relation Name": "t2",                             +
                       "Schema": "public",                                +
                       "Alias": "t2",                                     +
                       "Startup Cost": 0.00,                              +
                       "Total Cost": 13512.67,                            +
                       "Plan Rows": 416667,                               +
                       "Plan Width": 4,                                   +
                       "Output": ["", "t2.clus", "t2.val", ""]+

Full explain

total cost of query is 41534.23 HJ node cost is 40532.27 on condition “Hash Cond”: “( =”, Most expensive node is second node of hash join, “Total Cost”: 24346.00 Second node , the expensive node, is doing full scan on “Relation Name”: “t1″ Thus suggest an index on, the join condition of the hash join. The T1 node also contains a filter that returns “Plan Rows”: 5000,” i.e. 5000 rows of 1M in the table ( we look up total rows in pg_class) . The filter is on “Filter”: “((clus) = 10)” so we suggest an index on the combine id & clus

recommend index on t1 ( id, clus)

 [                                                        +
   {                                                      +
     "Plan": {                                            +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                          +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                               +
       "Partial Mode": "Finalize",                        +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
       "Startup Cost": 41534.23,                          +
       "Total Cost": 41534.24,                            +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                    +
       "Plan Width": 32,                                  +
       "Plans": [                                         +
         {                                                +
           "Node Type": "Gather",                         +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
           "Startup Cost": 41534.01,                      +
           "Total Cost": 41534.22,                        +
           "Plan Rows": 2,                                +
           "Plan Width": 32,                              +
           "Workers Planned": 2,                          +
           "Single Copy": false,                          +
           "Plans": [                                     +
             {                                            +
               "Node Type": "Aggregate",                  +
               "Strategy": "Plain",                       +
               "Partial Mode": "Partial",                 +
               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",            +
               "Parallel Aware": false,                   +
               "Startup Cost": 40534.01,                  +
               "Total Cost": 40534.02,                    +
               "Plan Rows": 1,                            +
               "Plan Width": 32,                          +
               "Plans": [                                 +
                 {                                        +
                   "Node Type": "Hash Join",              +
                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",        +
                   "Parallel Aware": false,               +
                   "Join Type": "Inner",                  +
                   "Startup Cost": 24408.50,              +
                   "Total Cost": 40532.27,                +
                   "Plan Rows": 695,                      +
                   "Plan Width": 33,                      +
                   "Inner Unique": false,                 +
                   "Hash Cond": "( =",        +
                   "Plans": [                             +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Seq Scan",           +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": true,            +
                       "Relation Name": "t2",             +
                       "Alias": "t2",                     +
                       "Startup Cost": 0.00,              +
                       "Total Cost": 15596.00,            +
                       "Plan Rows": 138889,               +
                       "Plan Width": 4,                   +
                       "Filter": "((val + 0) > 1001)"     +
                     },                                   +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Hash",               +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Inner",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": false,           +
                       "Startup Cost": 24346.00,          +
                       "Total Cost": 24346.00,            +
                       "Plan Rows": 5000,                 +
                       "Plan Width": 37,                  +
                       "Plans": [                         +
                         {                                +
                           "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
                           "Parallel Aware": false,       +
                           "Relation Name": "t1",         +
                           "Alias": "t1",                 +
                           "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
                           "Total Cost": 24346.00,        +
                           "Plan Rows": 5000,             +
                           "Plan Width": 37,              +
                           "Filter": "((clus) = 10)"      +
                         }                                +
                       ]                                  +
                     }                                    +
                   ]                                      +
                 }                                        +
               ]                                          +
             }                                            +
           ]                                              +
         }                                                +
       ]                                                  +
     }                                                    +
   }                                                      +                                                   +

Nested Loops

Similar we find a Nest Loops join where the second node has a Seq Scan, look to see if an index can be added to support the join. Only look at Nest Loop nodes that are a significant % of total query cost.

Most of the cost of the query is the next loops:

          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",        +
          "Total Cost": 1320240.33,          + 

The first node in the NL select rows that are looked up in the second node. The second node is doing a full table scan:

                     "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
                       "Relation Name": "t2",         +
                       "Plan Rows": 1000000,          +

We want to avoid Full table scans on the second node of NL. Every row in the first node will do a full table scan on the second node. The join is on

 "Join Filter": "( =",  +

So we suggest an index on

[                                                    +
   {                                                  +
     "Plan": {                                        +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                      +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                           +
       "Partial Mode": "Finalize",                    +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
       "Startup Cost": 1321240.65,                    +
       "Total Cost": 1321240.66,                      +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                +
       "Plan Width": 32,                              +
       "Plans": [                                     +
         {                                            +
           "Node Type": "Gather",                     +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",            +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                   +
           "Startup Cost": 1321240.44,                +
           "Total Cost": 1321240.65,                  +
           "Plan Rows": 2,                            +
           "Plan Width": 32,                          +
           "Workers Planned": 2,                      +
           "Single Copy": false,                      +
           "Plans": [                                 +
             {                                        +
               "Node Type": "Aggregate",              +
               "Strategy": "Plain",                   +
               "Partial Mode": "Partial",             +
               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",        +
               "Parallel Aware": false,               +
               "Startup Cost": 1320240.44,            +
               "Total Cost": 1320240.45,              +
               "Plan Rows": 1,                        +
               "Plan Width": 32,                      +
               "Plans": [                             +
                 {                                    +
                   "Node Type": "Nested Loop",        +
                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",    +
                   "Parallel Aware": false,           +
                   "Join Type": "Inner",              +
                   "Startup Cost": 0.00,              +
                   "Total Cost": 1320240.33,          +
                   "Plan Rows": 41,                   +
                   "Plan Width": 33,                  +
                   "Inner Unique": false,             +
                   "Join Filter": "( =",  +
                   "Plans": [                         +
                     {                                +
                       "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
                       "Parallel Aware": true,        +
                       "Relation Name": "t1",         +
                       "Alias": "t1",                 +
                       "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
                       "Total Cost": 14554.33,        +
                       "Plan Rows": 41,               +
                       "Plan Width": 37,              +
                       "Filter": "(clus = 10)"        +
                     },                               +
                     {                                +
                       "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Inner",+
                       "Parallel Aware": false,       +
                       "Relation Name": "t2",         +
                       "Alias": "t2",                 +
                       "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
                       "Total Cost": 19346.00,        +
                       "Plan Rows": 1000000,          +
                       "Plan Width": 4                +
                     }                                +
                   ]                                  +
                 }                                    +
               ]                                      +
             }                                        +
           ]                                          +
         }                                            +
       ]                                              +
     }                                                +
   }                                                  +

Merge Join

similar for a merge join

-- to create a merge join example 
 set enable_nestloop to 'off';
 SET enable_hashjoin TO off;

explain (FORMAT json)
select max (
from t1, t2
where =
and t1.clus = 10
and t2.val  > 1001

We want to turn the merge join into a NL or HJ. In order to do so efficiently we need an index on the join on one table. We want to have the index on the table with the more rows to analyze.

t1 returns 5000 rows

 "Relation Name": "t1",        +
                           "Plan Rows": 5000,             +

t2 returns 138889

                          "Relation Name": "t2",         +  "Plan Rows": 138889,          +

and join on T2 is on

  "Merge Cond": "( =",     +

thus suggest index on

  [                                                        +
   {                                                      +
     "Plan": {                                            +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                          +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                               +
       "Partial Mode": "Finalize",                        +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
       "Startup Cost": 55741.63,                          +
       "Total Cost": 55741.64,                            +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                    +
       "Plan Width": 32,                                  +
       "Plans": [                                         +
         {                                                +
           "Node Type": "Gather",                         +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
           "Startup Cost": 55741.42,                      +
           "Total Cost": 55741.63,                        +
           "Plan Rows": 2,                                +
           "Plan Width": 32,                              +
           "Workers Planned": 2,                          +
           "Single Copy": false,                          +
           "Plans": [                                     +
             {                                            +
               "Node Type": "Aggregate",                  +
               "Strategy": "Plain",                       +
               "Partial Mode": "Partial",                 +
               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",            +
               "Parallel Aware": false,                   +
               "Startup Cost": 54741.42,                  +
               "Total Cost": 54741.43,                    +
               "Plan Rows": 1,                            +
               "Plan Width": 32,                          +
               "Plans": [                                 +
                 {                                        +
                   "Node Type": "Merge Join",          +
                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",        +
                   "Parallel Aware": false,               +
                   "Join Type": "Inner",                  +
                   "Startup Cost": 54013.29,              +
                   "Total Cost": 54739.68,  +
                   "Plan Rows": 695,                     +
                   "Plan Width": 33,                      +
                   "Inner Unique": false,                 +
                   "Merge Cond": "( =",     +
                   "Plans": [                             +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Sort",               +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": false,           +
                       "Startup Cost": 29360.10,          +
                       "Total Cost": 29707.32,            +
                       "Plan Rows": 138889,               +
                       "Plan Width": 4,                   +
                       "Sort Key": [""],             +
                       "Plans": [                         +
                         {                                +
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",       +
                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
                           "Parallel Aware": true,        +
                           "Relation Name": "t2",         +
                           "Alias": "t2",                 +
                           "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
                           "Total Cost": 15596.00,        +  "Plan Rows": 138889,          +
                           "Plan Width": 4,               +
                           "Filter": "((val ) > 1001)" +
                         }                                +
                       ]                                  +
                     },                                   +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Sort",               +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Inner",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": false,           +
                       "Startup Cost": 24653.19,          +
                       "Total Cost": 24665.69,            +
                       "Plan Rows": 5000,                 +
                       "Plan Width": 37,                  +
                       "Sort Key": [""],             +
                       "Plans": [                         +
                         {                                +
                           "Node Type": "Seq Scan",   +
                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
                           "Parallel Aware": false,       +
                           "Relation Name": "t1",        +
                           "Alias": "t1",                 +
                           "Startup Cost": 0.00,          +
                           "Total Cost": 24346.00,      +
                           "Plan Rows": 5000,             +
                           "Plan Width": 37,              +
                           "Filter": "((clus + 0) = 10)"  +
                         }                                +
                       ]                                  +
                     }                                    +
                   ]                                      +
                 }                                        +
               ]                                          +
             }                                            +
           ]                                              +
         }                                                +
       ]                                                  +
     }                                                    +
   }                                                      +

3. Mixed cases – filter and join indexing opportunities

If a filter is missing an index causing a full scan (i.e. “Seq Scan”) and the table being scanned is also used in a join (hash join, merge join, nested loops join), suggest an index on both the filter column and In the following there is a Seq Scan on T2 followed by a filter. The filter returns an estimated 375K rows or about 1/3 of the table , i.e. not a good candidate for an index The Seq Scan is part of a HASH JOIN that represents most of the cost of the query. The hash join is on

cost total query 16973.03 t2 access for the hash join cost: 14554.33 t2 has 1M rows ( have to collect this from table stats) access is on , “Hash Cond”: “( =”,

suggest index on t2 id and val to avoid the full table scan.

 [                                                        +
   {                                                      +
     "Plan": {                                            +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                          +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                               +
       "Partial Mode": "Finalize",                        +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
       "Startup Cost": 16973.02,                          +
       "Total Cost": 16973.03,                            +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                    +
       "Plan Width": 32,                                  +
       "Plans": [                                         +
         {                                                +
           "Node Type": "Gather",                         +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
           "Startup Cost": 16972.81,                      +
           "Total Cost": 16973.02,                        +
           "Plan Rows": 2,                                +
           "Plan Width": 32,                              +
           "Workers Planned": 2,                          +
           "Single Copy": false,                          +
           "Plans": [                                     +
             {                                            +
               "Node Type": "Aggregate",                  +
               "Strategy": "Plain",                       +
               "Partial Mode": "Partial",                 +
               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",            +
               "Parallel Aware": false,                   +
               "Startup Cost": 15972.81,                  +
               "Total Cost": 15972.82,                    +
               "Plan Rows": 1,                            +
               "Plan Width": 32,                          +
               "Plans": [                                 +
                 {                                        +
                   "Node Type": "Hash Join",              +
                   "Parent Relationship": "Outer",        +
                   "Parallel Aware": false,               +
                   "Join Type": "Inner",                  +
                   "Startup Cost": 11.40,                 +
                  "Total Cost": 15972.72,              +
                   "Plan Rows": 37,                       +
                   "Plan Width": 33,                      +
                   "Inner Unique": false,                 +
                   "Hash Cond": "( =",     +
                   "Plans": [                             +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Seq Scan",          +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": true,            +
                       "Relation Name": "t2",             +
                       "Alias": "t2",                     +
                       "Startup Cost": 0.00,              +
                       "Total Cost": 14554.33,            + "Plan Rows": 375098,               +
                       "Plan Width": 4,                   +
                       "Filter": "(val > 1001)"           +
                     },                                   +
                     {                                    +
                       "Node Type": "Hash",               +
                       "Parent Relationship": "Inner",    +
                       "Parallel Aware": false,           +
                       "Startup Cost": 10.16,             +
                       "Total Cost": 10.16,               +
                       "Plan Rows": 99,                   +
                       "Plan Width": 37,                  +
                       "Plans": [                         +
                         {                                +
                           "Node Type": "Index Scan",     +
                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",+
                           "Parallel Aware": false,       +
                           "Scan Direction": "Forward",   +
                           "Index Name": "t1_clus",       +
                           "Relation Name": "t1",         +
                           "Alias": "t1",                 +
                           "Startup Cost": 0.42,          +
                           "Total Cost": 10.16,           +
                           "Plan Rows": 99,               +
                           "Plan Width": 37,              +
                           "Index Cond": "(clus = 10)"    +
                         }                                +
                       ]                                  +
                     }                                    +
                   ]                                      +
                 }                                        +
               ]                                          +
             }                                            +
           ]                                              +
         }                                                +
       ]                                                  +
     }                                                    +
   }                                                      +

4. Index Range scans

To see if an index needs more columns to be efficient looks like ti will require “explain analyze” and not just “explain”

select count(*)
from t1
where t1.clus >= 10 and t1.clus < 15
and t1.val = 1001

There is an index on t1.clus and the explain shows it is used but we don’t know how many rows were retrieved by the index vs filtered out by the Filter

[                                                        +
   {                                                      +
     "Plan": {                                            +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                          +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                               +
       "Partial Mode": "Simple",                          +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
       "Startup Cost": 27.14,                             +
       "Total Cost": 27.15,                               +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                    +
       "Plan Width": 8,                                   +
       "Plans": [                                         +
         {                                                +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                     +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                   +
           "Index Name": "t1_clus",                       +
           "Relation Name": "t1",                         +
           "Alias": "t1",                                 +
           "Startup Cost": 0.42,                          +
           "Total Cost": 27.13,                           +
           "Plan Rows": 1,                                +
           "Plan Width": 0,                               +
          "Index Cond": "((clus >= 10) AND (clus < 15))",+
           "Filter": "(val = 1001)"                       +
         }                                                +
       ]                                                  +
     }                                                    +
   }                                                      +

but it doesn’t show how many rows are retrieved by the index and how many are post processed filtered out by the Filter. Using explain analyze does. In the following output from “explain analyze” Only 1 run is returned after index access and filter but filter takes out 499 rows

"Filter": "(val = 1001)",                      +
           "Rows Removed by Filter": 499                  +

Thus suggest to add val to the existing index

           "Index Name": "t1_clus",                       +

[                                                        +
   {                                                      +
     "Plan": {                                            +
       "Node Type": "Aggregate",                          +
       "Strategy": "Plain",                               +
       "Partial Mode": "Simple",                          +
       "Parallel Aware": false,                           +
       "Startup Cost": 27.14,                             +
       "Total Cost": 27.15,                               +
       "Plan Rows": 1,                                    +
       "Plan Width": 8,                                   +
       "Actual Startup Time": 0.279,                      +
       "Actual Total Time": 0.279,                        +
       "Actual Rows": 1,                                  +
       "Actual Loops": 1,                                 +
       "Plans": [                                         +
         {                                                +
           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                     +
           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                +
           "Parallel Aware": false,                       +
           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                   +
           "Index Name": "t1_clus",                       +
           "Relation Name": "t1",                         +
           "Alias": "t1",                                 +
           "Startup Cost": 0.42,                          +
           "Total Cost": 27.13,                           +
           "Plan Rows": 1,                                +
           "Plan Width": 0,                               +
           "Actual Startup Time": 0.053,                  +
           "Actual Total Time": 0.273,                    +
           "Actual Rows": 1,                              +
           "Actual Loops": 1,                             +
           "Index Cond": "((clus >= 10) AND (clus < 15))",+
           "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,            +
           "Filter": "(val = 1001)",                      +
           "Rows Removed by Filter": 499                  +
         }                                                +
       ]                                                  +
     },                                                   +
     "Planning Time": 0.270,                              +
     "Triggers": [                                        +
     ],                                                   +
     "Execution Time": 0.388                              +
   }                                                      +

Check if INDEX we suggest already exists

    t.relname as table_name,
    i.relname as index_name,
    array_to_string(array_agg(a.attname), ', ') as column_names
    pg_class t,
    pg_class i,
    pg_index ix,
    pg_attribute a
    t.oid = ix.indrelid
    and i.oid = ix.indexrelid
    and a.attrelid = t.oid
    and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
    and t.relkind = 'r'
    and t.relname like 'auth%'
group by
order by

 table_name | index_name | column_names 
 authors    | authors_id | id

Creating data for test cases above

drop table t1;
 create table t1 ( 
    id  int,
    clus int,
    val  int,
    data VARCHAR(40)
 insert into t1 (
    id, clus , val, data
  left(md5(random()::text), 40) 
from generate_series(1, 1000000) s(i);
select count(*) from t1 where clus = 1 ;
select count(*) from t1 where val =1 ;

create table t2 as select * from t1;  

explain (analyze,verbose,buffers)
select max( from  t1, t2
where = 
and t1.clus = 1

Parameters that affect the explain plan

SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
 set enable_mergejoin to 'off';
 set enable_nestloop to 'off';
 SET enable_hashjoin TO off;
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