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  • Writer's picturekyle Hailey

NoCOUG’s 100th Conference Nov 9th!

Download the 100th issue of the NoCOUG Journal at

Can you believe it? 100 conferences! The Northern California Oracle Users Group (NoCOUG) is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2011 with its 100th conference. The upcoming conference at the Computer History Museum on November 9 is NoCOUG’s 100th quarterly conference and the upcoming issue of the NoCOUG Journal will be the 100th issue. NoCOUG Conference 100 will feature some of the world’s top Oracle experts and speakers including Steven Feuerstein

, Craig Shallahamer

, Alex Gorbachev

, and Kyle Hailey

. It will be held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View—a fitting location for such an occasion. The museum features marvelous computing artifacts such as a Hollerith Tabulating Machine and an actual operational

Babbage Difference Engine—one of two that have been constructed in the past decade. The 100th issue of the NoCOUG Journal will feature an interview with Michael Stonebraker—the high priest of relational databases, the research paper by Dr. Edgar Codd that started the relational revolution in 1970—A Shared Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, and the results of the Second International NoCOUG SQL Challenge. Because of the significance of the occasion and the venue NoCOUG is expecting serveral hundred people that this conference will quickly reach maximum capacity, so RSVP now here:

RSVP by October 31 at to receive a free pass to the exhibition at the Computer History Museum.



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