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Writer's picturekyle Hailey

Identifying Execution Plan Problems

(original at Based on the idea by Wolfgang Breitling that we can identify cost and cardinality errors of Oracle’s optimizer by looking at the discrepancies between the ESTIMATED rows and the ACTUAL rows in each line of the execution plan. I also added in a calculation to see how many IOs we were doing per row returned. In order to get much out of this script you have to have run the query with the hint

/*+ gather_plan_statistics */ or set statistics_level=all or sql_trace=true (only way on 9i other than an underscore parameter)

col cn format 99
col ratio format 99
col ratio1 format A6
--set pagesize 1000
set linesize 140
break on sql_id on cn
col lio_rw format 999
col "operation" format a60
col a_rows for 999,999,999
col e_rows for 999,999,999
col elapsed for 999,999,999

Def v_sql_id=&SQL_ID

       -- sql_id,
       childn                                         cn,
       --ptime, stime,
       case when stime - nvl(ptime ,0) > 0 then
          stime - nvl(ptime ,0) 
        else 0 end as  elapsed,
       nvl(trunc((lio-nvl(plio,0))/nullif(a_rows,0)),0) lio_rw,
       --nvl(ratio,0)                                    ratio,
       ' '||case when ratio > 0 then
   rpad('+',ratio*-1 ,'+') 
       end as                                           ratio1,
       starts*cardinality                              e_rows,
       --nvl(lio,0) lio, nvl(plio,0)                      parent_lio,
from (
      stats.LAST_ELAPSED_TIME                             stime,
      p.elapsed                                  ptime,
      stats.sql_id                                        sql_id
    , stats.HASH_VALUE                                    hv
    , stats.CHILD_NUMBER                                  childn
    , to_char(,'990')
      ||decode(stats.filter_predicates,null,null,'F')     id
    , stats.parent_id
    , stats.CARDINALITY                                    cardinality
    , LPAD(' ',depth)||stats.OPERATION||' '||
      stats.OPTIONS||' '||
      DECODE(stats.PARTITION_START,NULL,' ',':')||
      DECODE(stats.PARTITION_STOP,NULL,' ','-')||
      TRANSLATE(stats.PARTITION_STOP,'(NRUMBE','(NR')      "operation",
      stats.last_starts                                     starts,
      stats.last_output_rows                                a_rows,
      (stats.last_cu_buffer_gets+stats.last_cr_buffer_gets) lio,
      p.lio                                                 plio,
          nullif(stats.last_output_rows,0),0)))             ratio
       v$sql_plan_statistics_all stats
       , (select sum(last_cu_buffer_gets + last_cr_buffer_gets) lio,
                 sum(LAST_ELAPSED_TIME) elapsed,
         from v$sql_plan_statistics_all   
         group by child_number,sql_id, parent_id) p
    stats.sql_id='&v_sql_id'  and
    p.sql_id(+) = stats.sql_id and
    p.child_number(+) = stats.child_number and 
order by sql_id, childn , id
clear breaks

output like

Enter value for sql_id: g2w9n4gksyys6
old  59:     stats.sql_id='&v_sql_id'  and
new  59:     stats.sql_id='g2w9n4gksyys6'  and

---------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ---------------------------------
         0      0                     1 SELECT STATEMENT
 5,720,456      0              1      1  HASH GROUP BY
    29,711      0                 1,909   NESTED LOOPS
         0      0  +++         1  1,909    NESTED LOOPS
 1,969,304      0  +++         1  1,909     NESTED LOOPS
         0      0  +++         1  2,027      NESTED LOOPS
 7,939,649      0  +++         1  1,656       NESTED LOOPS
   716,054      0  +++         1  1,657        NESTED LOOPS
   270,201      0  ++         39 23,171         HASH JOIN
        23      0              5      1          JOIN FILTER CREATE :BF00
        31      1              5      1           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX R
        14      2              5      1            INDEX RANGE SCAN PS0PA
   141,467      0         18,503 23,171          VIEW  VW_SQ_1
 3,032,120      0         18,503 23,171           HASH GROUP BY
   152,564      0        163,420 33,020            JOIN FILTER USE :BF000
   407,746      0        163,420 33,020             MERGE JOIN
        55      0              5      1              SORT JOIN
        12      2              5      1               INDEX RANGE SCAN PS
    79,435      0         40,000 33,020              SORT JOIN
   119,852      0         40,000 40,000               INDEX FAST FULL SCA
 2,959,031     13  -      23,171  1,657         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROW
   944,887      1         23,171 23,174          INDEX RANGE SCAN WB_JOB
   102,650      0          1,657  1,656        VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  VW_
    73,769      0          1,657  1,657         SORT AGGREGATE
    25,617      0          1,657  1,657          FIRST ROW
   225,497      1          1,657  1,657           INDEX RANGE SCAN (MIN/M
   357,872      0          3,312  2,027       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID
 3,655,774      1          3,312  2,027        INDEX RANGE SCAN WB_RETROP
   199,884      0          2,027  1,909      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID 
   317,793      1          2,027  1,909       INDEX RANGE SCAN PS_RETROPA
    71,534      0          1,909  1,909     INDEX RANGE SCAN PS#RETROPAYP
    18,396      0          1,909  1,909    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PS

I can see that are 5 lines where the optimizer only expect 1 row and the actual results were over 1000, ie 3 orders of magnitude difference. These are the three lines with +++ There is one line with where actual was an order of magnitude smaller. On that same line wee see it’s one of the slower lines almost 3 seconds and that the were 13 lio’s per row returned, which is sign of inefficiency.

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