I am testing out Always On replication on SQL Server with a cool docker setup that includes primary and secondary https://github.com/rafaelrodrigues3092/docker-mssql-alwayson
When I created data on the primary there was never any lag on the secondary so I wanted to make sure my lag values were correct and wanted to introduce network latency between the primary and secondary to introduce lag time. For this there is a neat tool called “tc” that can introduced lag. For example on either or both of the docker containers , I can set up lag with
# add lag tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 100ms # delete lag tc qdisc del dev eth0 root netem delay 100ms #show lag tc qdisc
Problem is, there was no “tc” on my docker containers and yum couldn’t find it (it is part of iproute2)
# yum install iproute2
Last metadata expiration check: 1:34:54 ago on Wed Apr 13 20:10:03 2022.
No match for argument: iproute2
Error: Unable to find a match: iproute2
I figure there is something wrong with the way the yum repos are setup on the docker images and I poked around there for a while but couldn’t get it to work, so then I tried to install by hand which turned out more onerous than I thought, so here I’m just documenting what was needed
create directory tc_build
cd tc_build
curl -o iproute2.tz https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/iproute2/iproute2.git/snapshot/iproute2-5.17.0.tar.gz
curl -o bison.gz http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/bison/bison-3.8.tar.gz
curl -o gettext.gz https://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.21.tar.gz
curl -o texinfo-6.8.tar.gz https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/texinfo/texinfo-6.8.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/westes/flex/releases/download/v2.6.4/flex-2.6.4.tar.gz
yum install make
yum install m4
yum install libtool
yum install diffutils
for i in *z; do echo $i ; tar xvf $i ; done
mkdir trash
mv *z trash
cd textinfo*
make install
cd ../gettext*
cd ../flex*
cd ../bison*
cd ../iproute2*
The above isn’t exact but should get you mostly there. When it comes to “make” in each directory its some variation of
make install
Not every directory needed all 4 commands but unfortunately didn’t take detailed enough notes to say which needed which. The most onerous part was “gettext” which was needed just for “autopoint” but I didn’t find a way just to install “autopoint” and “gettext” is big and takes a while to compile and install. Once it was all done “tc” was there. Then I just tar’ed the “tc” commands in /usr/sbin in tc.tar.gz which I can copy to a docker container and voila it’s there.
Had to modify the docker-compose.yml to include
then after starting the containers , on both the primary and secondary, I set network latency
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 500ms
The docker primary comes with SALES database that is replicated to the secondary, do I go on the primary, use SALES and create a bunch of data:
use sales;
create table foo(id int, content varchar(2000)) ;
WITH mycte AS (
SELECT 1 DataValue
SELECT DataValue + 1
FROM mycte
WHERE DataValue + 1 <= 100000
INSERT INTO foo(id,content)
FROM mycte m
There is a nice sql query for monitoring Always On here https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/278324/log-send-queue-size-and-redo-queue-size-in-ag
Here’s a short version of the query
--AG info
AGName = ag.name,
ReplicaServer = ar.replica_server_name,
DbName = adc.database_name,
Failover_ready = ar.failover_mode_desc,
-- State Info
IsLocal = drs.is_local,
IsPrimary = drs.is_primary_replica,
SynchronizationState = drs.synchronization_state_desc,
SynchronizationHealthState = drs.synchronization_health_desc,
-- Queue Size & rates
SendQueueSize = drs.log_send_queue_size,
RedoQueueSize = drs.redo_queue_size,
SendRateKb = drs.log_send_rate,
RedoRateKb = drs.redo_rate,
--Oh yeah, filestream, too
FileStreamSendRate = drs.filestream_send_rate,
FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states AS drs
JOIN sys.availability_databases_cluster AS adc
ON drs.group_id = adc.group_id AND
drs.group_database_id = adc.group_database_id
JOIN sys.availability_groups AS ag
ON ag.group_id = drs.group_id
JOIN sys.availability_replicas AS ar
ON drs.group_id = ar.group_id AND
drs.replica_id = ar.replica_id
-- ag.name, ar.replica_server_name, adc.database_name;
drs.log_send_queue_size + drs.redo_queue_size DESC;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
AGName | AG1
ReplicaServer | db2
DbName | SALES
Failover_ready | MANUAL
IsLocal | 0
IsPrimary | 0
SynchronizationState | SYNCHRONIZED
SynchronizationHealthState | HEALTHY
SendQueueSize | 6904
RedoQueueSize | 9544
SendRateKb | 5113
RedoRateKb | 41343
FileStreamSendRate | 0
Secondary_lag_seconds | 0
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------
AGName | AG1
ReplicaServer | db1
DbName | SALES
Failover_ready | MANUAL
IsLocal | 1
IsPrimary | 1
SynchronizationState | SYNCHRONIZED
SynchronizationHealthState | HEALTHY
SendQueueSize | NULL
RedoQueueSize | NULL
SendRateKb | NULL
RedoRateKb | NULL
FileStreamSendRate | NULL
Secondary_lag_seconds | NULL
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
AGName | AG1
ReplicaServer | db2
DbName | SALES
Failover_ready | MANUAL
IsLocal | 1
IsPrimary | 0
SynchronizationState | SYNCHRONIZED
SynchronizationHealthState | HEALTHY
SendQueueSize | 60
RedoQueueSize | 29068
SendRateKb | 4421
RedoRateKb | 41462
FileStreamSendRate | 0
Secondary_lag_seconds | NULL
another thing you can do is read the logs for Always On info
EXEC xp_ReadErrorLog 0,1,"Always"
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------
LogDate | 2022-04-13 18:47:56.440
ProcessInfo | spid27s
Text | Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------
LogDate | 2022-04-13 18:47:56.590
ProcessInfo | spid27s
Text | Always On: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------------
LogDate | 2022-04-13 18:48:18.900
ProcessInfo | spid53
Text | Always On: The local replica of availability group 'AG1' is preparing to transition to the primary role. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
-[ RECORD 4 ...